RADAX SDM 5000 is a Digital Handheld Survey cum Dose meter to detect and measure primarily Gamma and X-ray radiation. It also works as a Dosimeter by accu-mulating dose received by it or the operator carrying it..
Radiation Detector
RADAX SDM 5000 uses a Geiger-Mueller (GM) detector tube to detect radiation. The GM tube contains ionization gas which generates pulse of electrical current when radiations pass through the gas and causes ionization. These electrical pulses are counted electronically displayed in milli-Roentgens per hour (mR/hr) OR micro-sieverts per hour (μSv/hr)
Key Features
With RADAX SDM 5000 you can:Detect & accumulates radiation dose received from Radio-active materials or X-rays.
Accumulating dose received.
The Dosimeter continuous to accumulate Radiation dose till it is switched off.
The last reading remains in memory even when the power is switched off.
When you switch on once again, the Dosimeter starts counting from the last reading.
If required, the dose can be cleared off from memory with help of menu button.
Detector | Energy compensated GM tube |
Radiation Detected | Gamma Rays & X-rays |
Range | Dose and Survey |
0– 5000 mR and 5000 mR /hr | |
0– 50000 μSv and 50000 μSv / hr | |
Energy Response | 100 Kev to 1.3 Mev |
Accuracy with Cs137 | ± 15 % |
Response Time | 4 Sec. |
Operating Conditions | 0- 50° C 80% Humidity |
Display | Digital LCD |
Battery | AA Alkaline Battery 2 No’s |
Construction | ABS Plastic |
Weight | 153 gram |